Friday, December 30, 2011

Your Words To Others "Really" Matter in their Success

Do we know, how the power of "our words", influences others ? 

Words like, "Your hair sure is fixed nicely today", or "You did a great job on that", or "What would I do without you" ... These type words send people off happy about themselves, as well as how they think you feel about them.  Positive to a positive.

Well the opposite holds to.  When we say negative words or express negative feelings, this makes an impression too. 

Unfortunately, a friend today, told me something they said to their step-daughter ... "I can bet you right now, you will continue to set on your behind, and you will never amount to anything". 

Are we aware of the power of our words ?  Really ?  When we tell someone that they "will never" or "can't ever" amount to anything ... Did you know ? ... We are giving that person, PERMISSION, from YOU, yes permission from you, to NOT FAIL YOU, by doing as you say ... FAIL !

OK, so maybe you do feel this way about the person.  Do you really want their failure to rest in your hands ?  Or their success ?  If you think your words don't matter, it most certainly does.  This person probably looks at you as a mentor; Resting on every word you say. 

Negative can never turn into a positive, no matter how you may wish, nor by drilling someone.  Positive motivation is the key.  "You can do it", "You will succeed", even if you must fake your words.  Maybe in time, you too, will believe in the positive you are saying ! 

Please remember, Your words to others truly do matter in their success. 

SEE article by Michael Davis - The Power of Positive Words.  Click title for article.

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