Thursday, May 23, 2013

Where does being “last minute” get you. And others .

I will not post on my blog next week.  I’m crusing up in Canada !  Some well-due time off !


Where does being “last minute” get you ?


And if “not” stress to You, when You are last minute … Putting others in or including them in Your last minute situation, brings stress to “all” those folks !

It’s one thing if you are last minute, and do not involve others.  But when it does involve others, it’s unbelievable unfair to their lives … Their situation … Their pre-obligations, responsibilities and priorities.  It means, cutting the time, they had planned for something else, to squeeze your “last minute” in ! 

Basically because you believe they owe you !  If you think you don’t have this belief, you may be the ony only one who does.

So if last minute does not stress you out, there’s a lot to say, to the stress that YOU may be placing on others.


Have you showed up, last minute, such as at a bank, only to ask for an unusual type need, that causes the person waiting on you, to have to stay, past their working hours ? 

Who cares if they had a family issue, where they were needing to truly leave on time, this day !

Who cares if they are paid by salary or the company won’t pay over time, and this person is now helping you, all on their personal time !

Who cares that the Dr has told them to cut back their stress or else !

Sure, you don’t mean to …. You can’t help it that your life is so busy; that you’re, more often than not, last minute at a task (or arriving places) !

Why not, make your problem, their problem too.  Make then suffer with you.

And if they say, they are unable to help you, because you have not allotted enough time, why not, e mad at them, cause you didn’t get their earlier !

Truly, it’s unbelievable, the thought process of folks who do not plan early, do not allow enough time,   and who plan last minute, “and” their personal opinion of what you owe them, or how it is now your fault, because you won’t or can’t get it done.

Besides suggesting to you, in doing everyone a favor …

Please start planning early FBO of others …

Please don’t get mad at these folks who will not or unable to meet your last minute requests …

Own up to yourself and those around you, that it is YOU, who you are mad at (I would be too) …

And thank anyone, 24 fold, if they EVER, agree to help you at all, when you are late !
Thank you.  If you are last minute, and in my life, I thank you in advance !


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Breaking or making a habit stick

Back in the 70’s, is when it was first published in a self-help book, that it took 21 days to break or form a habit.  Whether or not this time frame is explicit, there’s a lot to say about it !

Many habits in our lives can form due to circumstances.  Such as eating during stress.  Smoking cause others are smoking, or due to stress.  Biting your nails.  Twidling your hair.  Putting off making a decision. Yes, that can be known as a habit too.

One mental goals, is in choosing to become alert, when habits surface.  Such as stopping yourself, when you find yourself biting your nails.  Or not putting that donut in your mouth.

Another is repetitiveness !  Such as the 21 day concept. 

Say you want to get in a habit of making your bed daily, working out on the treadmill, or even taking daily vitamins.  You being with day one and continue to repeat, until it becomes a part of your daily habit.  You can even mark you calendar, and recognize as each new day goes by, that worked toward your new habit.

Then there’s the mental awareness and repetitive combination.  Such as, to stop smoking.  Each day, you mentally cut back on the number of cigarettes you smoke, and if you repeat this daily, you will be continuing towards your goal.

Do these approaches work for everyone ?  Not if you’re not truly gun-ho about changing the habit.  Nor if there’s something subconsciously holding you back.  Everyone's brain is different, and habit formation also relies on aspects of experience and personality.

And habits can often easily come back.  With a simple trigger, like stress.

Another way of dealing with habit, like stress, is to move in the opposite direction of where your habit usually leads you.  If you normally eat when you are stressed, instead, go walking.

This is where hypnosis and even coaching can be very helpful.  You work together in deciding what continues to trigger your habit.  Making obtainable goals.  Then, you’re made accountable for each step you are to make. 

Don’t give up on yourself.  You’re worth fixing.  Consider a hypnotist or life coach, if you find you are having a difficult time, handling on your own.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ever ask yourself, what do I want to be when I grown up ? How’s your stress level ? And how they might relate.

Many folks look at this question with seriousness.  Others, think of it for fun.  And I’m talking, ages from 10 – 80+.  We’re never too old to “think” of this question.  Sometimes, the best parts of our life, are our dreams.

Some folks were never able to pursue their desires or dreams, due to, having families early, personal or family sicknesses or obligations, money, not time, and many other reasons.  So again, those dreams may often enter our minds.

And of course, there are those folks, that are reading this, and either thinking, “I’m already grown up”, and others who are thinking, “I’m already doing what I want”.  Great !  But aren’t you sure, there’s not something in the back of your mind, that you’ve thought of, that you might have wanted to pursue, even if it were at a younger age, before you got “all you want” ?

Ever wanted to see where your singing talents could go ?  That’s one of the reasons for American Idol or Voice !

What about Sewing ? Flower arranging ?  Cake baking ?

Take a moment.  Think about those talents now.  Those dreams you once had, or even still may have.  Make a list.  Many times, there’s more than one.

There are so many talents that surround us that …

·         Are not being used ! 

·         Could take us to our dreams ! 

·         Could allow us to make money while doing something we love !

Ever think and realize, that wasted talents are not only being wasted by you, but they are being lost by those around you, and even folks you don’t know.  I believe we were born with many talents that we should be sharing.  Not sharing, is like hoarding it all to yourself !

Example, can you cook ?  How many folks around you, either wish they could enjoy your foods all the time or wish they cook like you ?   Though the restaurant business is not for everyone, and it’s costly to do, there’s always the option of teaching your talents to others ! 

And what if, you’re not really into your dreams for money, you could volunteer a class at your church, community center, or even the local girl scouts.  There’s so many folks you can share your talents and dreams with.  Even provide simply for entertainment !

Time.  Yes, it takes your time. 

Know, that pursuing dreams or doing things you have passion for, reduces our stress levels !  Whether you’re doing the things you love, as a career, or just for a day or evening.

Are you taking time in your life for yourself ?  Each week ?  Each month ?  Can you find someone who could watch your kids ? Watch your elderly parents ?  Not work so much ?

Again, take a moment.  Think about your passions.  Think about those dreams you once had or still have. What could you do with these ?  Where might you use them ?  How could this help your stress level ?

I know I will be taking some time, for myself, and thinking about this same topic.  Not that I want to change my career at all !  But how I can use some of my spare time or making the "choice" to make more spare time for talents and dreams !