Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Turning Your Victimization Around

Michael Neill has a great book, Supercoach, 10 Secrets to Transform Anyone’s Life.
His definition, from Victim to Creator: “When you act as if your experience is created from the outside in, you will experience yourself as a victim. The minute you take responsibility for creating your experience from the inside out, you reclaim your position as creator of your life.”
Through out each of our lives, realistically, we’ll experience additional obstacles for that we’ll have to face and overcome. Of course, unfortunately, you may have encountered specific horrific trauma that most have no personal experience of … Such as loss of a spouse, rape, mental or physical abuse, a tragic car wreck, loss of job, and certainly many others.

Yes, you may victim to one of these challenging circumstances. And Yes, you may often feel you are totally alone. Whether you feel you have no one to talk to about it or feel you are unable to share with anyone, or you feel, no one understands, in actuality, you have you !

Tip: Choose to take time helping others with their personal situation. When we focus on others, it helps us in dealing with our own !

If you use your time and energy to just dwell over the issue, it absolutely won’t go away ! More negative draws more negative your way, honestly like, bees on honey. You’ll discover, when you reach out towards helping yourself, it will change how you feel ! How you look at things !

The process of change begins with changing what “you believe”. If you believe yourself a victim, you’ll stay a victim. If you believe yourself as strong and standing tall, you will become this. Beliefs are internal, that’s why Michael Neill expresses that over coming victimization begins within, not starting with the outside ! And internal feelings come from your personal beliefs.

Another tip: If it means you must begin by just “pretending” you‘re no longer a victim, it actually works. Just like any habit, after 3 weeks to 30 days, it becomes a natural part of your life.

You are capable of pulling yourself through this ordeal. You must be pro-active; self involement.  Your first step can be to reach out to other sources, such as psychiatrist, counselor, coach, a great friend, and/or support groups; or through self learning, such as reading inspirational books or enrolling into self help classes.

Another tip: See yourself as, already having overcome your situation.

This weeks task. How do you want it to be a year from now ? Take out a piece of paper. Write down your circumstance. Now right down what you wishing for yourself, one year from now. Such as, if you want to loose weight, see yourself skinny now. If you want that better job, transform that job you want in your mind now. If you want to be out of that relationship, image your life happy a year from now and what you will be doing.

Whether you’ve never been in a victim type state or not, continuously reaching out in helping ourselves, towards having the best life we can have, is a life long work-out !

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