Thursday, May 23, 2013

Where does being “last minute” get you. And others .

I will not post on my blog next week.  I’m crusing up in Canada !  Some well-due time off !


Where does being “last minute” get you ?


And if “not” stress to You, when You are last minute … Putting others in or including them in Your last minute situation, brings stress to “all” those folks !

It’s one thing if you are last minute, and do not involve others.  But when it does involve others, it’s unbelievable unfair to their lives … Their situation … Their pre-obligations, responsibilities and priorities.  It means, cutting the time, they had planned for something else, to squeeze your “last minute” in ! 

Basically because you believe they owe you !  If you think you don’t have this belief, you may be the ony only one who does.

So if last minute does not stress you out, there’s a lot to say, to the stress that YOU may be placing on others.


Have you showed up, last minute, such as at a bank, only to ask for an unusual type need, that causes the person waiting on you, to have to stay, past their working hours ? 

Who cares if they had a family issue, where they were needing to truly leave on time, this day !

Who cares if they are paid by salary or the company won’t pay over time, and this person is now helping you, all on their personal time !

Who cares that the Dr has told them to cut back their stress or else !

Sure, you don’t mean to …. You can’t help it that your life is so busy; that you’re, more often than not, last minute at a task (or arriving places) !

Why not, make your problem, their problem too.  Make then suffer with you.

And if they say, they are unable to help you, because you have not allotted enough time, why not, e mad at them, cause you didn’t get their earlier !

Truly, it’s unbelievable, the thought process of folks who do not plan early, do not allow enough time,   and who plan last minute, “and” their personal opinion of what you owe them, or how it is now your fault, because you won’t or can’t get it done.

Besides suggesting to you, in doing everyone a favor …

Please start planning early FBO of others …

Please don’t get mad at these folks who will not or unable to meet your last minute requests …

Own up to yourself and those around you, that it is YOU, who you are mad at (I would be too) …

And thank anyone, 24 fold, if they EVER, agree to help you at all, when you are late !
Thank you.  If you are last minute, and in my life, I thank you in advance !


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