Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hypnosis Gastric Bypass. Can Lynchburg make National News for a healthier city !

Rather than the true surgery of Gastric Bypass, the Hypnosis Gastric Bypass program not only has produced remarkable results, it’s a money savings alternative !  This process has been huge in the UK for several years !  And over a year and a half ago, the first US participants to be shown on US TV was on the DR OZ show !

Last year, Bill Weir broadcasted on ABC News, that hypnosis has become a more accepted form of behavior therapy, such as weight loss.  He reported to viewers, $35,000 for Gastric Bypass surgery, versus $1200 for Hypnosis Gastric Bypass *.  And he described the hypnosis approach as, “Tricking the mind into shrinking the body”.  (*depending on where you live; could cost up to $5,000).

Even after the first hypnosis session you’ll be talking about how your food portions have decreased !  Instead of engulfing a full dinner when you’re out, you’ll learn to bring home at least half or  2/3 of your dinner and spreading leftovers to 1-2 more meals !  Besides a healthier body, there’s FOOD COST SAVINGS !

It’s time for Lynchburg to make our own National News !  Let’s get Lynchburg on the map for having the most folks working towards a more healthier life ! 

Instead of my regular Hypnosis Gastric Bypass cost at $ 300 x 3 sessions … Through February 2014, Lynchburg folks who TRULY want such weight loss help, I want to help for only $ 119* x 3 sessions.  (see lower cost opportunity below)

To be most effective, the Hypnosis Gastric Bypass process takes a minimum of 3 sessions.  The first session is almost 2 hours; includes educational insight to hypnosis and weight loss, along with your input and a relaxing hypnosis session.  The second session may extend a little over an hour, as we talk about preparing your cabinets/refrigerator with healthier type foods; along with discussing specific food consumption before your hypnosis surgery, just like folks having real surgery; and a relaxing hypnosis session and time to share your last week experiences.  Session three is about an hour, to include your hypnosis surgery.   It’s exciting !  

And after session three, you have your basis !  Emailing will be provided for coaching support, for 30 days after your 3rd session.  And for those who want advance reinforcement or other areas related to weight loss, additional sessions available for only $99* each. 

WHAT A BETTER WAY TO REACH THIS LYNCHBURG GOAL FASTER THAN TO SAVE MORE !  Encouraging friends and family to join YOU in becoming healthier !  Bring along your own support team !

For a group of 3-9**, cost only $ 99* X 3.

10-19***, only $ 89* X 3.

20-29***, only $ 79* X 3.

30+***, only $ 69* X 3.

A different pricing structure can be formed for group leaders who would rather have theirs complimentary.  Or maybe arrange for a FUNDRAISER program !

Let’s get healthier, beginning today !  Call TODAY and schedule your sessions ! 
 Leave message, when I can return your call.
Certified Coach, Hypnotherapist, and Teacher, Vivian M Webb, CPLC, C.Ht 

*For this cost, meeting location must be inside the city of Lynchburg limits; outside of Lynchburg will incur an additional mileage rate.   For continued reinforcement through and after our 3 sessions, I will also highly suggest you purchase a MP3 recording on Amazon for $5 versus higher cost CD’s. 

** Lynchburg Library has a room for $10 each session, which can hold up to 9 + me.

*** Elks lodge has a room that holds up to 75 (est $75 each session ?)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

USAToday Coaching Trend article. Individuals and Corporations waking up to the value of Harmony Home Life to Work

There has been a tremendous increase, in just the last few years, with individuals and corporations seeking the guidance of a Life Coach.  The relationship between a higher harmony in one’s personal life concludes a definite effect on job performance, attendance, work relations and sociability, and satisfaction.   

Focusing to improve home life situations, whether it’s personal self-esteem, relationships, balancing responsibilities and finances, improving organizational skills, or getting out of a rut, is the new trend.   Recognizing the value in taking a pro-active stand versus past choices of “just settling”.

Folks who aggressively choose to purse valuable guidance are portraying the needed competence and strength towards reaching those desired choices for their life.  in life.   In article by Karen S. Peterson of USToday, Life Coach Laura Berman Fortgang expresses, “They are everyday, normal people who have their lives together. They realize the value of having somebody to help them think outside the box."

The article also reminds readers, that the past concept to psychologically diagnosis first, reach into your painful past first, is no longer the needed approach.  Nor does one need to receive services in person. Coaching allows a person to stay in the comfort of their home or office and speak with a Coach by telephone or by way of email communication.

Coach Patrick Williams shares the number of men receiving coaching versus women: 60-40.  It easy to understand why men would prefer this type approach versus traditional therapeutic sessions.  And why Life Coach, Martha Beck (seen on and write a column for the Oprah Winfrey Show/Magazines) expresses, “It’s OK to see a Coach and not OK to see a therapist”.

Williams also states that “teens are becoming more active with Life Coaches", to include Parent and Family Coaching.  What better way to reach into our country’s future than through our teens.  We’re starting them off early with college courses in our high schools, WHY NOT provide pre-guidance in personal life ? Pre-education as our future parents ?  Even more important, if home life affects work, what about schooling ?

When I first think of Parent Coaching, I actually think about the “parents of our current teens”.  Not only for the needed support and mentoring through “the teen years”, but in reaching for guidance with helping a teen. 

Coaching is about deriving specific goals, actually set by the individual and guided by the coach.  The individual then works towards the goals with different steps provided by the coach, with assistance from the individual.  The coach establishes deadlines.  The success of a coaching program requires responsibility and accountability from the individual. The coach is the motivator who cheers the individual forward !    

Beck’s choice words include, “enhancing” life, “balancing” and "integrating one's life”.  Include “asking extensive specific questions”, goal setting, “homework”, “journaling”, and “an action plan”.  Fortgang describes Life Coaching as "action-oriented, solution-oriented; concentrates on forward motion, not looking at the past.”

Williams says Life Coaching will "change the face of psychotherapy, helping people live a better life without the stigma of needing a diagnosis or a visit to a psychotherapist they don't want or need."

Williams also states in the article, coaching is about “discovering and creating”, not “healing and uncovering”.  Therefore, if a person is in need of more than a motivator, mentor, support and drive system, and instead, is more troubled, angered, or has other deeply rooted issues, it’s better for the individual to contact a mental health expert. 

Individuals can expect several months in reaching goals, with weekly phone sessions of ½ hour to an hour.  Also available is the email approach.  The article states to expect cost to vary from $300 an hour to $350-$600 a month.  Fees are not paid by health insurance.  Corporations often provide such services to their employees or hire a full time Life Coach to be on premise.

My fees are actually somewhat lower.  Coaching by phone as low as $ 89 an hour; by either committing to 9 sessions or by combining phone coaching with monthly email coaching.  Unlimited monthly emailing is $ 399 (currently excepting only 4 more clients). Payment is by Paypal with only a 48 hour prior payment for the next session.  A more costly and timely approach is meeting in person.  However, in person Hypnosis sessions are available at the same available hourly cost (one session $ 139 or $119x3) when meeting within the city limits of Lynchburg.

There are many topics available in coaching.  Besides those mentioned in paragraph two above and Parent Coaching, a few others include: forgoing relationships, entering separation or divorce, developing new skills and changing careers, and moving forward after victimization.  Though these topics may sound negative, these issues are not only real, an individual can take a more positive and direct approach towards reducing the enhances stress it can add to ones life.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

“What if”, all you had to do was LISTEN TO MUSIC to gain more smarts ? Actually improve skills ? Get over fears ? Learn to love exercise or house cleaning ?

“What if”, all you had to do was LISTEN TO MUSIC and you could develop or improve specific skills, fulfill your ambitions or talents, stop procrastination, let go of personal fears or hang-ups, build relations, learn to love exercising or stop dreading cleaning house, just to name a few ?  Except for when driving, you could listen to this music by day, by night, or maybe even your boss would allow you to play at your desk ?  What if just playing music when the family was a home, had a valuable effects on others ?

What if there was a change of learning how to play the piano, without touching the keyboard till the night of your performance ?  See at bottom, videos I watched last night. believes Music is the answer !  Music can make you smarter and more !  Music has always been powerful; it usually improves our moods.  “Music also helps heal you. Studies have shown that listening to music widens your blood vessels. This can lower your blood pressure. Music can also help release chemicals that protect your heart.  Music can relax you in seconds...or energize you instantly. It can soothe your soul.  It can make you cry. It can even trigger distant memories ... and yes, it can also make you smarter.”

“Especially classical music due to its mathematical complexity. Some studies have shown that listening to Mozart improves your IQ.” 

However, Guide-to-self-helpp-techniques believes, not just any music.  Music with cutting-edge brainwave entrainment (BWE).  Wiki states, “It’s any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state usually attempted with the use of specialized software.  Such a stimulus is often aural, as in the case of binaural or monaural beats and isochronic tones, or else visual, as with a dreamachine, a combination of the two with a mind machine, or even electromagnetic radiation”.

Jeff's Gignac, hypnosis and NLP expert, is one of the leading brainwave entrainment (BWE) engineers in the world.  He states, most BWE audios are boring to listen to.  In 2010, he began mixing BWE with beautiful music, such as piano, dance, chillout, classical, acoustic guitar etc, calling it Super Mind Music.

According to, subliminal tapes that are goal-related are allegedly more effective because of the user's need to succeed at the chosen goal.  According to, subliminal tapes must be used consistently and for at least three months for results to be seen, and results will vary among users.  Other sources claim results can be notices within 2 weeks.

Amazon has available .99 audios at estimate 59 minutes each in MP3 downloads and provide a complimentary “Cloud Player”.  586 topics to choose from (see link to list below).  For CD’s, visit your local book store and see what is available for order.
What do you have to loose if it doesn't work ?  What's wrong with a little soft relaxing music to your life ?  What's .99cents ?   What's 2 weeks ?  TV advertisement uses this on us every day !  Why not it be for the topic YOU want to accomplish !

Just last night, I was watching a video with Darren Brown.  I believe it may be a show called “Trick or Treat”.  Participant volunteers and picks a card.  The 2 shows I saw, the participant had picked the “Treat” card.  After getting to know the woman a little, he learned, that years back, she had tried to learn the piano.  Through hypnosis and such BWE tapes, she learned to play the piano in a week, without ever touching the keyboard.  Darren told her to trust him.  She dressed up in her nice evening gown, and the night of the performance, walked right out on that stage and played a famous classical piece.  It was amazing !  (Darren Brown Part I video -; Part II video -!624868011%2Cp_n_feature_browse-bin%3A625150011

Your mind is powerful. You have the potential to change beliefs, habits, and your life through your inner mind !

This is from Inner Talk.

How do you respond best ? Understand someone ? Are you visual, auditory, or a kinesthetic type person

How to you respond best to others or understand someone ... "Visually (Ex.  See it on paper)", by way of "Audio (Prefer to hear something rather than read about it)", or are you a "Kinesthetic (feeling/emotional type)" person ?

Do these example describe you correctly ?  Are you more than just one type ?
Believe it or not, when you are communication with others, it will work better for you in getting through and keeping the conversation calm, if you learn talk to them "in their language. 

So if they don't like to read, then for them to comprehend you better, it's better to talk with them, versus an email or letter.  If someone is asking you for some facts, and they are a visual person, they will understand better if you put it on paper.  And a kinesthetic person is looking for more emotion in the conversation; more empathy.

I found this on Conversational Hypnosis Critic

People who are more “visual”:

• The person is better organized.
• They are neater in their environment.
• They are well-groomed, deliberate and appearance oriented.
• They appear more orderly.
• They come off as soft-spoken.
• They focus their attention on details like spelling.
• They memorize information by seeing pictures.
• They are less distracted by noises.

People who are more “audio”

• An auditory person often talks to themselves.
• They are distracted by noises.
• Their lips move when they are thinking.
• They have the ability to repeat things quickly back to you.
• They have trouble with math and writing.
• They have the skill of spoken languages being easy to them.
• They are music lovers and learn better by hearing it.
• They memorize through the use of steps, procedures, and sequence.

Person who is more Kinesthetic:

These type are focused on emotions.
They like to talk about how they feel about something.
They respond to touch and hugging.
These types are often athletic and are into sports and outdoors activities.
A Kinesthetic person will move around and even walk while they are thinking about something.