There has been a tremendous increase, in just the last few years, with individuals and corporations seeking the guidance of a Life Coach. The relationship between a higher harmony in one’s personal life concludes a definite effect on job performance, attendance, work relations and sociability, and satisfaction.
Focusing to improve home life situations, whether it’s
personal self-esteem, relationships, balancing responsibilities and finances,
improving organizational skills, or getting out of a rut, is the new trend. Recognizing
the value in taking a pro-active stand versus past choices of “just settling”.
Folks who aggressively choose to purse valuable guidance are
portraying the needed competence and strength towards reaching those desired choices
for their life. in life. In article
by Karen S. Peterson of USToday, Life Coach Laura Berman Fortgang expresses, “They
are everyday, normal people who have their lives together. They realize the
value of having somebody to help them think outside the box."
The article also reminds readers, that the past concept to psychologically
diagnosis first, reach into your painful past first, is no longer the needed
approach. Nor does one need to receive
services in person. Coaching allows a person to stay in the comfort of their
home or office and speak with a Coach by telephone or by way of email
Coach Patrick Williams shares the number of men receiving
coaching versus women: 60-40. It easy to
understand why men would prefer this type approach versus traditional therapeutic
sessions. And why Life Coach, Martha
Beck (seen on and write a column for the Oprah Winfrey Show/Magazines)
expresses, “It’s OK to see a Coach and not OK to see a therapist”.
Williams also states that “teens are
becoming more active with Life Coaches", to include Parent and Family Coaching. What better way to reach into our country’s future
than through our teens. We’re starting
them off early with college courses in our high schools, WHY NOT provide pre-guidance
in personal life ? Pre-education as our future parents ? Even more important, if home life affects work, what about schooling ?
When I first think of Parent
Coaching, I actually think about the “parents of our current teens”. Not only for the needed support and mentoring
through “the teen years”, but in reaching for guidance with helping a
Coaching is about deriving specific
goals, actually set by the individual and guided by the coach. The individual then works towards the goals
with different steps provided by the coach, with assistance from the individual. The coach establishes deadlines. The success of a coaching program requires responsibility
and accountability from the individual. The coach is the motivator who cheers
the individual forward !
Beck’s choice words include, “enhancing”
life, “balancing” and "integrating one's life”. Include “asking extensive specific questions”,
goal setting, “homework”, “journaling”, and “an action plan”. Fortgang describes Life Coaching as "action-oriented,
solution-oriented; concentrates on forward motion, not looking at the past.”
Williams says Life Coaching
will "change the face of psychotherapy, helping people live a better life
without the stigma of needing a diagnosis or a visit to a psychotherapist they
don't want or need."
Williams also states in the article,
coaching is about “discovering and creating”, not “healing and uncovering”. Therefore, if a person is in need of more
than a motivator, mentor, support and drive system, and instead, is more
troubled, angered, or has other deeply rooted issues, it’s better for the
individual to contact a mental health expert.
Individuals can expect several
months in reaching goals, with weekly phone sessions of ½ hour to an hour. Also available is the email approach. The article states to expect cost to vary
from $300 an hour to $350-$600 a month. Fees are not paid by health insurance. Corporations often provide such services to their employees or hire a full time Life Coach to be on premise.
My fees are actually somewhat lower. Coaching by phone as low as $ 89 an hour; by either
committing to 9 sessions or by combining phone coaching with monthly email
coaching. Unlimited monthly emailing is $
399 (currently excepting only 4 more clients). Payment is by Paypal with only a
48 hour prior payment for the next session.
A more costly and timely approach is meeting in person. However, in person Hypnosis sessions are
available at the same available hourly cost (one session $ 139 or $119x3) when
meeting within the city limits of Lynchburg.

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