Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ending your Affair

Parting in an affair can be difficult on both parties and even those who are not in the picture directly.  Making a decisions and preparing to move forward can be a very healthy decision, especially if it is bringing you stress or that gloomy feeling !  Breaking up can be that needed key in beginning to get your life back to a more relaxing order.

Knowing some of what you want, is most definitely, part of the process to getting there !  And writing down your thoughts and ideas will help in your healing process towards a healthier life !

Begin with …

·         What would the happy you look like ?

·         Be doing with your life ? 

·         And who is in your happy picture ?


Consider purchasing hypnosis type downloads such as these:

Next for your journal …

·         Have you told this person how you feel ?  About wanting to end it ? 

·         If you have not expressed this or not ready to express, what is holding you back ?

·         “Why” do you want this affair to end ? Is it no longer giving you the same satisfaction ? 

·         Are you leaving for you ?  Your marriage ?

·         If you are back and forth with this decision, you may want to make a list of the pros and cons of this relationship, and “why” you like or dislike anything you wrote down.

·         Also, “why” did you turn to this relationship in the first place ? Think back to remember, what was going on or not going on in your life, during that time ?

·         If you are serious about moving forward with this idea, “when” would you like to see this take place ? Be final ?  Tell me why you have chosen this time frame ?


TIPS.  When it is time.  Don’t start something you’re not going to “stand behind” !

·         Think about this person’s temperament.  Will this be smooth or could it be hostile ?

·          It is often very wise, to meet in public, to do so.  So that you can say what you need to and leave safely.  A lesser chance of a scene.  Do not allow this person to convince you differently.  Do not plan that ‘one last time’ get together !

·         Keep the conversation short.  Don’t go into why you have made this decision or why you even stayed as long as you did.  The simpler and cleaner the better.

·         Do not give the person any inclination you will be back.  Make it final.

·         Be nice.  Don’t say hurtful words.  You want to walk away feeling comfortable and less stressed for yourself.  Be firm but soft in the heart.  You don’t want this person taking any revenge.

·         If you have things you need to get off your chest, you would be better off writing a letter, prior to this day, and say all you want and then throw it away before meeting.  Let it go.  Close your eyes.  Picture putting the letter in a bag.  Put the bag in the basked of a hot air balloon and watch it float away till gone !

·         You may truly want to change your cell phone number, your email address.  If you have given them any passwords for anything, change these.  Delete their information from anywhere you may have it written down.

·         Now immediately upon breaking it off, envision a “stop sign” every time this person’s name comes to thought.  You can practice by closing your eyes and visioning the stop sign.



Withdrawals from this relationship can happen.  You could feel a sense of loss, insecurity, and even at times, confusion.  So, our best advice is to talk about these feelings with a coach, to help you move beyond this experience.  Simply having someone to confide in helps people cope with any possible emotional pain.

Being prepared after the breakup.  

Now … Truly consider adding a “coach” to your life !


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