Tuesday, January 14, 2014

No parent wants to believe that their child is a bully. See article written by found of P.U.R.E., an organizationt hat helps parents with struggling teens

“How to know if your child or teen is a bully at school”. 

Written by Sue Scheff, an Author and Parent Advocate. She founded Parents' Universal Resource Experts in 2001. P.U.R.E. is an organization that helps parents with struggling teens. 

Truly, bullying needs to STOP !  We all remember what it was like to be in school !  It doesn't go away by ignoring it.  We wouldn't allow someone to kick our dog !  Why do we allow someone to kick our kid ? 

Our children are our next generation !  We need their self confidence to build and help lead us, not have it torn down by bullies ! 

We need the schools to be given permission to help stop this !  Kids need to be praised for "telling" when another bullies them.  And the child being bullied does not need to be punished along with the bully !

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