Monday, May 26, 2014

Are you conventional ? Non-conventional ? Leading with your subconscious ? The difference can make or break success.

Today is Memorial Day.  I decided to take little quiet time and begin reading the first 5 chapters of a book written by Colin Christopher … Success Through Manipulation.

To some, the visualization of the word “manipulation” may be seen as harsh or scary.  However, his book is more about manipulating your own mind.  The way you think.  The way you see things.  How most folks are allowing their conscious mind to be in control, even when it is hurting them !

Colin provides 5 free chapters online and if you want to read the rest, you will need to purchase his book.  Over my next few entries on my blog, I plan to summarize his 5 chapters.  If you decide you do not want to wait for my next summary, you can locate his book online or go here:

Mental tools for the Laws of manipulation.

These laws of manipulation are affecting you, daily !  Your thoughts, beliefs, and habits.

If you keep thinking and doing the same, you will have the same outcome.

To change, you have to change your thoughts, beliefs and habits.

Begin by thinking successful !  Then you’ll become more like the successful !

How do successful people think ?

Through out his book, he will refer to the “Conventional” and “Non-Conventional” thinker !

Conventional is predictable and instinctual; what is socially acceptable.  The poor to average person is conventional.

Unconventional, consciously evaluates the environment and people.  This is how high performers think.

Laws of manipulation is determined by your differences in thinking.

Conventional thinkers think manipulation is bad.

Unconventional, do not think the word is bad.  It’s the “outcome” of whether it’s negative or positive.  It’s the “action” that you take.  It’s how you use manipulate to make an outcome, is what is  positive or negative.

For those who think they don’t they ever manipulate … If you drive, you are manipulate the steering wheel of your car, or you will crash.

If you want to be successful, the Laws of manipulation can create better results and better success.  Choosing to change your thinking can be difficult.  However, The Laws of Manipulation can change your thinking. 

Chapter 1
How your mind Works !
The Law of Subconscious Habit.

Your subconscious forms habits.

The subconscious is like the hard drive on your computer.  It stores information.

It responds to stimuli that comes from instinct or learned experiences.

The conscious is not aware when you respond habitually to your subconscious.

The subconscious only perceives and responds in the present.

Your subconscious will continue to respond the same way, unless you change it.

Example.  Unless you change the program on your computer, the same info will keep coming up.

Your subconscious provides real and imaginary.  It does not know the difference.  Therefore, what you think and imagine programs your subconscious.

Learn more by reading the “The Biology of Belief” by Dr Bruce Lipton.

Think about tying your shoe laces.  At first, you concentrated with your conscious mind.  Today, your subconscious naturally ties these laces without even thinking about it.

When 1st driving, again you concentrated, on doing everything right and not wrecking.  But today, driving is natural for you.

These 2 examples are real stimuli.  Now think about imagine stimuli.  You’re watching a scary movie.  There is nothing in the room that can harm you, yet you are clinching your teeth or possible shaking, with one eye closed.  This fear is your subconscious.  Your subconscious is responding to fear.  It’s an habitual response.  Imagined fear yet real response.

Conventional thinks spend most of their time performing habitual responses.  What they have allowed to get into their subconscious is what is controlling most of their lives !   There’s very few experiences that can change their thinking.

Conventional thinkers are actually followers.  They are slaves to their habits.  Stay more in the drone-zone (same ol’ same ol’ stage).

Unconventional thinkers are usually leaders and creators.  They spend their time gaining new experiences, through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual development.  Their thinking evolves and changes over time.  Provides new programing for the subconscious.  Producing new habits for new results.

Thought Manipulation Exercise for Today:
Identify your habits.  What do you do automatically without thinking, such as brushing your teeth, fixing dinner.
List good habits and bad habits.
What part of your day is performing habits and what part is related to new experiences.  Are you spending more time in the “drone-zone” or taking advantage of new & different experiences ?  Are you taking advantage of evolving and improving ?

Plan to change the percentage of your time that you stay in the drone-zone, to taking advantage of new experiences.  Observe your results.

That’s the end of Chapter 1 for today !  Stay tune for the summary of Chapter 1.  And don’t forget to do your exercise above !



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