I had some one tell me, they missed it when I didn't post Joel Osteens message.

His funny. Adam says, why did you make Eve so beautiful. What about her beautiful hair. Her beautiful shape. God said, so you would love her. Adam said, why did you make her so dumb. God said, so she would love you.
Message: Going after the prodigals (those lost; haven‘t been around). People use to be excited about serving God, but some how, now, they’ve fallen off the path. Maybe they’ve been through tuff times; Lost their sense of purpose. Don’t condemn them, just encourage them.
We need to go after the prodigals. We need to be pro-active to find out why they have fallen off the path. Call them, check on them. We have a responsibility to bring them back. Say, we miss you, we need you, and we love you. When people know you care, this is what brings prodigals back. Your phone call could be the turning point. Give a little time, a little of your energy. We may not be able to help everyone, but we can help someone. It can light a fire, if you let them know you care.
Our most importance in life, is not our accomplishments, it’s helping other people. Restore others, help them get back on the path. When you reach out to one of God’s children, there’s nothing God won’t do for you. Help lift others out of despair. Invite them to dinner. Make sacrifices for them. Notice when others are discouraged. Reach out to them, call them. Let people know they are important.
Who are we missing, that is not around.
He had a dog, and if you said “sick-um”, he would run after the squirrel, even if he didn’t 1st see the squirrel. Do this with friends who are missing, “sick-um”. Check on them.
When people know they are missed, it makes what they are going through, easier. It make take several times to get through to them. You’re never wasting time, going after the prodigals. Make an effort to help someone. Galatians, 6:1 - you are to gently restore/help others.
Sew the seed. We love you. We miss you. We need you.
Some people think they are suppose to scare the “hell” out of people. The holy spirit is to convict, not you.
Go after the prodigals. All they need is one phone call. To let them know you’re concerned. Remember, “sick-um”. Find out where they are.
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