COACHING AND HYPNOSIS TO YOUR SUCCESS. Motivating YOUR passion, YOUR strengths, and YOUR talents. Specializing in (Pre)Separation, (Pre)Divorce, (Pre)Dating,Victimization - Spousal abuse, Finances, Children/Parents, Personal Motivation and Organization. Overcoming fears and habits. Weight Loss. Stage Hypnosis. SEE 500 topics. SEE my personal stories: Visit: and more, CALL FOR YOUR FREE SESSION TODAY: (434)473-7470
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Are you a pre-planner ? Have you seen this happen to others ?
Are you a pre-planner ?
LAWS OF LOGIC ... Have you seen this happen to others ? Put something off, only for something else to get in the way of getting that other thing done ? WAKE UP ! It will happen every time ! It's the laws of logic. It's not going to change, no matter how many times you put things off. It will smack you in the face every time.
Maybe the thing being put off, is as simple as, pay a bill, pack for a trip, or make a dinner reservation. But you look at someone like me, who is a pre-planner of just about everything and laugh, only to find yourself constantly saying, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening !" Well non-planners, repeat the same type stress over and over and you would think, it would finally sink in ! Did you know, one reason pre-planners HAVE TO to pre-plan ? To leave room for the non-pre-planners who wait till the last minute and will most always, mess up the schedule of the pre-planner ! For real ! How many times does your last minute affect others ?
FYI, if you go to bed each night or leave the house each morning, before writing a to-do list the day, I will guess you have never taken a "time management class" ! I hear folks say, Oh, I know what I have to do tomorrow. Time Management says, write it down, NO MATTER, whether you can remember it or not ! One thing it does, is reminds you, to watch your time !
You've heard the ol' saying, to be successful, do as the successful do and say.
* In all planning you make a list and you set priorities. Alan Lakein
* All time management begins with planning. Tom Greening
* The most practical, beautiful, workable philosophy in the world won't work - if you won't. Zig Zigler.
* Unless you change how you are,you will always have what you've got. Jim Rohn
* "God gives every bird a worm, but he does not throw it into the nest." Swedish Proverb
* "Success often comes to those who have the aptitude to see way down the road." Laing Burns, Jr.
* A man must be master of his hours and days, not their servant. William Frederick Book
* Take care in your minutes, and the hours will take care of themselves. Lord Chesterfield
* Time is the scarcest resource of the manager; If it is not managed, nothing else can be managed. Peter F. Drucker
* The great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in five words: I DID NOT HAVE TIME. Franklin Field
When to change habits ? Now !
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Why are there so many rules ? Where should the blame lie ? How could we change this ?
It came up in conversation the other day, when with friends, “Why are there so many rules out there ? And why would that rule be added, if no one would do such a thing ?” . I noticed select folks, engaged in the conversation, were expressing agitation !
Being a rule oriented type person myself, I then asked those at the table, if they were disturbed because they find themselves paying a price because of rules they consider crazy, or was it because, they follow every rules, and to them, often becomes just too much ? Both type folks were in the conversation.
For the most part, rules are for consistency, accountability, legal protection, fairness, equality, trust, etc. However, my true take on why there’s rules ? Rules were developed for those folks who claim a rule didn’t say that (find a loop in the wording) and for those who believe, such rules do not pertain to “them” ! Oh, and I’ve heard others that think, “oh, the rule was too trivial” !
Let’s take something simple. Does your job expect you to be on time and begin work at 8am ? Do you show up 7:45am, 8am, or late ? If you show up at 8am and unable to start work that instant, without being flustered, or show up for work late each day, these rules are only written because of you ! However, natural early folks, have to listen to the rule that was formed for those who “expect all to except” their reasoning for not being prepared to work at 8am.
Here’s another. Your bill is due Oct 30 (Sunday). Do you pay a week in advance, pay the Friday prior, or discover on Sunday, it’s the 30th, and complain it’s the computers fault for making the bill due on a Sunday, or do you just naturally wait till it’s late ? Or do you call and ask for more time ? Again, these rules are for these late folks.
Or maybe you overdraw your account at the bank. And in turn, see the bank as the one at fault.
Or maybe you have an appointment at 5pm, and you show up 5:05. You thinks, “How can 5 minutes matter ? Or there’s no rule that says I have to be on time.” What about the common courtesy rule ? And you’re right, you don’t have to follow common courtesy if you don’t want to !
Here’s some examples of situations, where folks thought the rule didn't apply to them:
• Person decided to sell their car. Before selling, decided to take insurance off, however has not turned in their tags to DMV. Many would say, ‘who would do that’? Well people do. And there is a rule. If you are caught doing this, there is a fine.
• Claiming you live in a state where you don’t. Example, Fla has an “exempt” for those who live in Fla full time and are not snow birds. Fla law says, if you file for this exempt, you must change your driver’s license within 30 days. Also, when filing taxes, you should be noting your Fla address.
There is a fine if you fail to do these two processes, yet file this Fla exempt.
No matter the rule that is broken, rules are rules. They are made for me, you, and everyone else.
If you are aware of the rule, and you just want to see if you can get by without following, that’s one thing. You in turn know, if you break and you are caught, you are due the price that must be paid.
However, if you think in your mind, it’s the “rule makers fault”, then most possibly, you are part of the reason the rules exist in the first place ! Rules are not going away. There will just be more and more, as folks continue to break them !
Folks who find themselves, constantly paying the price, or staying stress out over all the things that keep happening, You can choose to change ! It’s as simples as ...
• Becoming more aware of the rules !
• Consider the value of common courtesy rules !
• Choose to notice who’s affected by you not following rules !
• Notice folks around you who follow the rules !
Or keep your life on a constant roller coaster. And if not yours, everyone else around you. That’s right ! Those who choose to break rules, affect others. Maybe it’s your kids, your boss, your parents, your friends ! Have you noticed their stress ? Their hidden anger ?
If you want change, truly consider reaching out to help with a "Life Coach" !
For folks who are rule oriented, my suggestion to you:
• Feel empathy, not sympathy, for folks who have yet learned to follow the rules !
• If you want to place blame for rules, be sure to remember where the true blame belongs !
• Continue to be a good example by following rules !
• Don’t give into changing rules just because someone doesn’t want to follow them; you can only help another by not helping to enable them.
• Learn to be as good as your word and enforce rules the first time, without warning.
Remember, you “can’t change” folks ! People will continue to break rules and rules will continue to build in our lives. However, you can help yourself with the stress others are putting on “you” ! You can begin with changing YOU ! Enforce rules ! Expect common courtesy ! You deserve it ! And let those who don’t want to follow, continue to pay the price, by themselves ! Stop bailing folks out ! Stop enabling folks ! And if there’s no price, come up with one. Such as leaving at 5:01.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Ending your Affair
Parting in an affair can be difficult on both parties and
even those who are not in the picture directly.
Making a decisions and preparing to move forward can be a very healthy
decision, especially if it is bringing you stress or that gloomy feeling ! Breaking up can be that needed key in
beginning to get your life back to a more relaxing order.
Knowing some of what you want, is most definitely, part of
the process to getting there ! And
writing down your thoughts and ideas will help in your healing process towards
a healthier life !
Begin with …
What would the happy you look like ?
Be doing with your life ?
And who is in your happy picture ?
Consider purchasing hypnosis
type downloads such as these:
Have you told this person how you feel ? About wanting to end it ?
If you have not expressed this or not ready to
express, what is holding you back ?
“Why” do you want this affair to end ? Is it no
longer giving you the same satisfaction ?
Are you leaving for you ? Your marriage ?
If you are back and forth with this decision,
you may want to make a list of the pros and cons of this relationship, and
“why” you like or dislike anything you wrote down.
Also, “why” did you turn to this relationship in
the first place ? Think back to remember, what was going on or not going on in
your life, during that time ?
If you are serious about moving forward with
this idea, “when” would you like to see this take place ? Be final ? Tell me why you have chosen this time frame ?
Think about this person’s temperament. Will this be smooth or could it be hostile ?
It is
often very wise, to meet in public, to do so.
So that you can say what you need to and leave safely. A lesser chance of a scene. Do not allow this person to convince you
differently. Do not plan that ‘one last
time’ get together !
Keep the conversation short. Don’t go into why you have made this decision
or why you even stayed as long as you did.
The simpler and cleaner the better.
Do not give the person any inclination you will
be back. Make it final.
Be nice.
Don’t say hurtful words. You want
to walk away feeling comfortable and less stressed for yourself. Be firm but soft in the heart. You don’t want this person taking any
If you have things you need to get off your
chest, you would be better off writing a letter, prior to this day, and say all
you want and then throw it away before meeting.
Let it go. Close your eyes. Picture putting the letter in a bag. Put the bag in the basked of a hot air
balloon and watch it float away till gone !
You may truly want to change your cell phone
number, your email address. If you have
given them any passwords for anything, change these. Delete their information from anywhere you
may have it written down.
Now immediately upon breaking it off, envision a
“stop sign” every time this person’s name comes to thought. You can practice by closing your eyes and
visioning the stop sign.
Withdrawals from this relationship can happen. You could feel a sense of loss, insecurity, and even at times, confusion. So, our best advice is to talk about these feelings with a coach, to help you move beyond this experience. Simply having someone to confide in helps people cope with any possible emotional pain.
Being prepared after
the breakup.
Affair Withdrawals:
Moving forward after your affair:
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Hypnosis Gastric Bypass. Can Lynchburg make National News for a healthier city !
Rather than the true surgery of Gastric Bypass, the Hypnosis
Gastric Bypass program not only has produced remarkable results, it’s a money
savings alternative ! This process has
been huge in the UK for several years ! And
over a year and a half ago, the first US participants to be shown on US TV was
on the DR OZ show !
Last year, Bill Weir broadcasted on ABC News, that hypnosis has
become a more accepted form of behavior therapy, such as weight loss. He reported to viewers, $35,000 for Gastric
Bypass surgery, versus $1200 for Hypnosis Gastric Bypass *. And he described the hypnosis approach as, “Tricking
the mind into shrinking the body”. (*depending
on where you live; could cost up to $5,000).
Even after the first hypnosis session you’ll be talking
about how your food portions have decreased !
Instead of engulfing a full dinner when you’re out, you’ll learn to bring home at least half or 2/3 of your dinner and spreading leftovers to 1-2 more meals
! Besides a healthier body, there’s FOOD COST SAVINGS !
It’s time for Lynchburg to make our own National News ! Let’s get Lynchburg on the map for having the
most folks working towards a more healthier life !
Instead of my regular Hypnosis Gastric Bypass cost at $ 300
x 3 sessions … Through February 2014, Lynchburg folks who TRULY want such weight
loss help, I want to help for only $ 119* x 3 sessions.
(see lower cost opportunity below)
To be most effective, the Hypnosis Gastric Bypass process
takes a minimum of 3 sessions. The first
session is almost 2 hours; includes educational insight to hypnosis and weight
loss, along with your input and a relaxing hypnosis session. The second session may extend a little over
an hour, as we talk about preparing your cabinets/refrigerator with healthier type
foods; along with discussing specific food consumption before your hypnosis
surgery, just like folks having real surgery; and a relaxing hypnosis session
and time to share your last week experiences.
Session three is about an hour, to include your hypnosis surgery. It’s exciting !
And after session three, you have your basis ! Emailing will be provided for coaching
support, for 30 days after your 3rd session. And for those who want advance reinforcement
or other areas related to weight loss, additional sessions available for only
$99* each.
For a group of 3-9**, cost only
$ 99* X 3.
10-19***, only $ 89* X 3.
20-29***, only $ 79* X 3.
30+***, only $ 69* X 3.
A different pricing structure
can be formed for group leaders who would rather have theirs complimentary. Or maybe arrange for a FUNDRAISER program !
Leave message, when I can return your call.
Certified Coach, Hypnotherapist, and Teacher, Vivian M Webb, CPLC, C.Ht
** Lynchburg Library has a room for $10 each session, which can hold up to 9 + me.
*** Elks lodge has a room that holds up to 75 (est $75 each session ?)
Sunday, August 18, 2013
USAToday Coaching Trend article. Individuals and Corporations waking up to the value of Harmony Home Life to Work
There has been a tremendous increase, in just the last few years, with individuals and corporations seeking the guidance of a Life Coach. The relationship between a higher harmony in one’s personal life concludes a definite effect on job performance, attendance, work relations and sociability, and satisfaction.
Focusing to improve home life situations, whether it’s
personal self-esteem, relationships, balancing responsibilities and finances,
improving organizational skills, or getting out of a rut, is the new trend. Recognizing
the value in taking a pro-active stand versus past choices of “just settling”.
Folks who aggressively choose to purse valuable guidance are
portraying the needed competence and strength towards reaching those desired choices
for their life. in life. In article
by Karen S. Peterson of USToday, Life Coach Laura Berman Fortgang expresses, “They
are everyday, normal people who have their lives together. They realize the
value of having somebody to help them think outside the box."
The article also reminds readers, that the past concept to psychologically
diagnosis first, reach into your painful past first, is no longer the needed
approach. Nor does one need to receive
services in person. Coaching allows a person to stay in the comfort of their
home or office and speak with a Coach by telephone or by way of email
Coach Patrick Williams shares the number of men receiving
coaching versus women: 60-40. It easy to
understand why men would prefer this type approach versus traditional therapeutic
sessions. And why Life Coach, Martha
Beck (seen on and write a column for the Oprah Winfrey Show/Magazines)
expresses, “It’s OK to see a Coach and not OK to see a therapist”.
Williams also states that “teens are
becoming more active with Life Coaches", to include Parent and Family Coaching. What better way to reach into our country’s future
than through our teens. We’re starting
them off early with college courses in our high schools, WHY NOT provide pre-guidance
in personal life ? Pre-education as our future parents ? Even more important, if home life affects work, what about schooling ?
When I first think of Parent
Coaching, I actually think about the “parents of our current teens”. Not only for the needed support and mentoring
through “the teen years”, but in reaching for guidance with helping a
Coaching is about deriving specific
goals, actually set by the individual and guided by the coach. The individual then works towards the goals
with different steps provided by the coach, with assistance from the individual. The coach establishes deadlines. The success of a coaching program requires responsibility
and accountability from the individual. The coach is the motivator who cheers
the individual forward !
Beck’s choice words include, “enhancing”
life, “balancing” and "integrating one's life”. Include “asking extensive specific questions”,
goal setting, “homework”, “journaling”, and “an action plan”. Fortgang describes Life Coaching as "action-oriented,
solution-oriented; concentrates on forward motion, not looking at the past.”
Williams says Life Coaching
will "change the face of psychotherapy, helping people live a better life
without the stigma of needing a diagnosis or a visit to a psychotherapist they
don't want or need."
Williams also states in the article,
coaching is about “discovering and creating”, not “healing and uncovering”. Therefore, if a person is in need of more
than a motivator, mentor, support and drive system, and instead, is more
troubled, angered, or has other deeply rooted issues, it’s better for the
individual to contact a mental health expert.
Individuals can expect several
months in reaching goals, with weekly phone sessions of ½ hour to an hour. Also available is the email approach. The article states to expect cost to vary
from $300 an hour to $350-$600 a month. Fees are not paid by health insurance. Corporations often provide such services to their employees or hire a full time Life Coach to be on premise.
My fees are actually somewhat lower. Coaching by phone as low as $ 89 an hour; by either
committing to 9 sessions or by combining phone coaching with monthly email
coaching. Unlimited monthly emailing is $
399 (currently excepting only 4 more clients). Payment is by Paypal with only a
48 hour prior payment for the next session.
A more costly and timely approach is meeting in person. However, in person Hypnosis sessions are
available at the same available hourly cost (one session $ 139 or $119x3) when
meeting within the city limits of Lynchburg.

Saturday, August 10, 2013
“What if”, all you had to do was LISTEN TO MUSIC to gain more smarts ? Actually improve skills ? Get over fears ? Learn to love exercise or house cleaning ?
if”, all you had to do was LISTEN TO MUSIC and you could develop or improve specific
skills, fulfill your ambitions or talents, stop procrastination, let go of personal
fears or hang-ups, build relations, learn to love exercising or stop dreading
cleaning house, just to name a few ? Except
for when driving, you could listen to this music by day, by night, or maybe
even your boss would allow you to play at your desk ? What if just playing music when the family
was a home, had a valuable effects on others ?
What if there was a
change of learning how to play the piano, without touching the keyboard till
the night of your performance ? See at
bottom, videos I watched last night.
“Especially classical music due to its mathematical complexity. Some studies have shown that listening to Mozart improves your IQ.”
Guide-to-self-helpp-techniques believes, not just any music. Music with cutting-edge brainwave entrainment
(BWE). Wiki states, “It’s any practice
that aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a periodic
stimulus having a frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state usually
attempted with the use of specialized software.
Such a stimulus is often aural, as in the case of binaural or monaural
beats and isochronic tones, or else visual, as with a dreamachine, a
combination of the two with a mind machine, or even electromagnetic radiation”.
Jeff's Gignac, hypnosis and NLP expert, is one of the leading brainwave entrainment (BWE) engineers in the world. He states, most BWE audios are boring to listen to. In 2010, he began mixing BWE with beautiful music, such as piano, dance, chillout, classical, acoustic guitar etc, calling it Super Mind Music.
According to, subliminal tapes that are goal-related are allegedly more effective because of the user's need to succeed at the chosen goal. According to, subliminal tapes must be used consistently and for at least three months for results to be seen, and results will vary among users. Other sources claim results can be notices within 2 weeks.
Jeff's Gignac, hypnosis and NLP expert, is one of the leading brainwave entrainment (BWE) engineers in the world. He states, most BWE audios are boring to listen to. In 2010, he began mixing BWE with beautiful music, such as piano, dance, chillout, classical, acoustic guitar etc, calling it Super Mind Music.
According to, subliminal tapes that are goal-related are allegedly more effective because of the user's need to succeed at the chosen goal. According to, subliminal tapes must be used consistently and for at least three months for results to be seen, and results will vary among users. Other sources claim results can be notices within 2 weeks.
Amazon has available .99
audios at estimate 59 minutes each in MP3 downloads and provide a complimentary
“Cloud Player”. 586 topics to choose
from (see link to list below). For CD’s,
visit your local book store and see what is available for order.
What do you have to loose if it doesn't work ? What's wrong with a little soft relaxing music to your life ? What's .99cents ? What's 2 weeks ? TV advertisement uses this on us every day ! Why not it be for the topic YOU want to accomplish !
How do you respond best ? Understand someone ? Are you visual, auditory, or a kinesthetic type person
How to you respond best to others or understand someone ... "Visually (Ex. See it on paper)", by way of "Audio (Prefer to hear something rather than read about it)", or are you a "Kinesthetic (feeling/emotional type)" person ?
Do these example describe you correctly ? Are you more than just one type ?
Believe it or not, when you are communication with others, it will work better for you in getting through and keeping the conversation calm, if you learn talk to them "in their language.
So if they don't like to read, then for them to comprehend you better, it's better to talk with them, versus an email or letter. If someone is asking you for some facts, and they are a visual person, they will understand better if you put it on paper. And a kinesthetic person is looking for more emotion in the conversation; more empathy.
I found this on Conversational Hypnosis Critic
People who are more “visual”:
• The person is better
• They are neater in their environment.
• They are well-groomed, deliberate and appearance oriented.
• They appear more orderly.
• They come off as soft-spoken.
• They focus their attention on details like spelling.
• They memorize information by seeing pictures.
• They are less distracted by noises.
• They are neater in their environment.
• They are well-groomed, deliberate and appearance oriented.
• They appear more orderly.
• They come off as soft-spoken.
• They focus their attention on details like spelling.
• They memorize information by seeing pictures.
• They are less distracted by noises.
People who are more “audio”
• An auditory person often
talks to themselves.
• They are distracted by noises.
• Their lips move when they are thinking.
• They have the ability to repeat things quickly back to you.
• They have trouble with math and writing.
• They have the skill of spoken languages being easy to them.
• They are music lovers and learn better by hearing it.
• They memorize through the use of steps, procedures, and sequence.
• They are distracted by noises.
• Their lips move when they are thinking.
• They have the ability to repeat things quickly back to you.
• They have trouble with math and writing.
• They have the skill of spoken languages being easy to them.
• They are music lovers and learn better by hearing it.
• They memorize through the use of steps, procedures, and sequence.
These type are focused on emotions.
They like to talk about how they feel about something.They respond to touch and hugging.
These types are often athletic and are into sports and outdoors activities.
A Kinesthetic person will move around and even walk while they are thinking about something.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Summer is here. Have you set your summer goals ? Have you begun your summer goals ? July is here !
We all know, time flies ! It's already July. Before know it, summer will be over.
If you've yet to do so, sit down and write those summer goals. Not all your goals; just the ones you want done by the end of the summer.
Several have made their way on my list. I have accomplished a few already ! The one I'm having the hardest time with, is the "treadmill". However, YES I CAN !
May I suggest, if you've yet to begin these summer goals, begin TODAY. Yes, July is here !
If you need help ... Reach to a Coach ! It helps ! Makes you more committed ! Accountable !
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Don't put off another day; reach out to a Life Coach Today. Time to get rid of the stresses and frustrations in Your life !
Call Today !
Coaching can be done, right on the phone, without leaving your home or office !
Coach Vivian M Webb, CPLC, C.Ht
(434) 473-7470 (Voip Machine, please leave message)
Are YOU ready to make changes in YOUR life ?
- Find balance ?
- Discover life’s purpose ?
- Conquer negative beliefs ?
- Work less and make more ?
- Improve relationships ?
- Eliminate stress for enjoyment in life ?
- Take action to goals ?
Vivian’s coaching specialies include:
Children/Parent relationships (As certified teacher, tutoring is also available)
Singles (and Dating)
Stress Reduction
Victimization (Esp Battered Spouse)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Where does being “last minute” get you. And others .
I will not post on my blog next week. I’m crusing up in Canada ! Some well-due time off !
Where does being “last minute” get you ?
And if “not” stress to You, when You are last minute … Putting
others in or including them in Your last minute situation, brings stress to “all”
those folks !
It’s one thing if you are last minute, and do not involve
others. But when it does involve others,
it’s unbelievable unfair to their lives … Their situation … Their
pre-obligations, responsibilities and priorities. It means, cutting the time, they had planned
for something else, to squeeze your “last minute” in !
Basically because you believe they owe you ! If you think you don’t have this belief, you
may be the ony only one who does.
So if last minute does not stress you out, there’s a lot to say, to the stress that YOU may be placing on others.
So if last minute does not stress you out, there’s a lot to say, to the stress that YOU may be placing on others.
Have you showed up, last minute, such as at a bank, only to
ask for an unusual type need, that causes the person waiting on you, to have to
stay, past their working hours ?
Who cares if they had a family issue, where they were
needing to truly leave on time, this day !
Who cares if they are paid by salary or the company won’t
pay over time, and this person is now helping you, all on their personal time !
Who cares that the Dr has told them to cut back their stress
or else !
Sure, you don’t mean to …. You can’t help it that your life
is so busy; that you’re, more often than not, last minute at a task (or
arriving places) !
Why not, make your problem, their problem too. Make then suffer with you.
And if they say, they are unable to help you, because you
have not allotted enough time, why not, e mad at them, cause you didn’t get
their earlier !
Truly, it’s unbelievable, the thought process of folks who
do not plan early, do not allow enough time, and who
plan last minute, “and” their personal opinion of what you owe them, or how it
is now your fault, because you won’t or can’t get it done.
Besides suggesting to you, in doing everyone a favor …
Please start planning early FBO of others …
Please don’t get mad at these folks who will not or unable
to meet your last minute requests …
Own up to yourself and those around you, that it is YOU, who
you are mad at (I would be too) …
And thank anyone, 24 fold, if they EVER, agree to help you
at all, when you are late !
Thank you. If you are last minute, and in my life, I thank you in advance !
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Breaking or making a habit stick
Back in the 70’s, is when it was first published in
a self-help book, that it took 21 days to break or form a habit. Whether or not this time frame is explicit,
there’s a lot to say about it !
Many habits in our lives can form due to
circumstances. Such as eating during
stress. Smoking cause others are
smoking, or due to stress. Biting your
nails. Twidling your hair. Putting off making a decision. Yes, that can
be known as a habit too.
One mental goals, is in choosing to become alert,
when habits surface. Such as stopping
yourself, when you find yourself biting your nails. Or not putting that donut in your mouth.
Another is repetitiveness ! Such as the 21 day concept.
Say you want to get in a habit of making your bed
daily, working out on the treadmill, or even taking daily vitamins. You being with day one and continue to
repeat, until it becomes a part of your daily habit. You can even mark you calendar, and recognize
as each new day goes by, that worked toward your new habit.
Then there’s the mental awareness and repetitive
combination. Such as, to stop
smoking. Each day, you mentally cut back
on the number of cigarettes you smoke, and if you repeat this daily, you will
be continuing towards your goal.
Do these approaches work for everyone ? Not if you’re not truly gun-ho about changing the habit. Nor if there’s something subconsciously holding you back. Everyone's brain is different, and habit formation also relies on aspects of experience and personality.
And habits can often easily come back. With a simple trigger, like stress.
Another way of dealing with habit, like stress, is to move in the opposite direction of where your habit usually leads you. If you normally eat when you are stressed, instead, go walking.
This is where hypnosis and even coaching can be very
helpful. You work together in deciding
what continues to trigger your habit. Making
obtainable goals. Then, you’re made
accountable for each step you are to make.
Don’t give up on yourself. You’re worth fixing. Consider a hypnotist or life coach, if you find
you are having a difficult time, handling on your own.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Ever ask yourself, what do I want to be when I grown up ? How’s your stress level ? And how they might relate.
Many folks look at this question with seriousness. Others, think of it for fun. And I’m talking, ages from 10 – 80+. We’re never too old to “think” of this
question. Sometimes, the best parts of
our life, are our dreams.
Some folks were never able to pursue their desires or
dreams, due to, having families early, personal or family sicknesses or
obligations, money, not time, and many other reasons. So again, those dreams may often enter our
And of course, there are those folks, that are reading this,
and either thinking, “I’m already grown up”, and others who are thinking, “I’m
already doing what I want”. Great ! But aren’t you sure, there’s not something in
the back of your mind, that you’ve thought of, that you might have wanted to
pursue, even if it were at a younger age, before you got “all you want” ?
Ever wanted to see where your singing talents could go ? That’s one of the reasons for American Idol
or Voice !
What about Sewing ? Flower arranging ? Cake baking ?
Take a moment. Think
about those talents now. Those dreams
you once had, or even still may have.
Make a list. Many times, there’s
more than one.
There are so many talents that surround us that …
Are not being used !
Could take us to our dreams !
Could allow us to make money while doing
something we love !
Ever think and realize, that wasted talents are not only being
wasted by you, but they are being lost by those around you, and even folks you
don’t know. I believe we were born with
many talents that we should be sharing.
Not sharing, is like hoarding it all to yourself !
Example, can you cook ?
How many folks around you, either wish they could enjoy your foods all
the time or wish they cook like you ? Though the restaurant business is not for
everyone, and it’s costly to do, there’s always the option of teaching your
talents to others !
And what if, you’re not really into your dreams for money,
you could volunteer a class at your church, community center, or even the local
girl scouts. There’s so many folks you
can share your talents and dreams with. Even provide simply for entertainment !
Time. Yes, it takes
your time.
Know, that pursuing dreams or doing things you have passion
for, reduces our stress levels ! Whether
you’re doing the things you love, as a career, or just for a day or evening.
Are you taking time in your life for yourself ? Each week ?
Each month ? Can you find someone
who could watch your kids ? Watch your elderly parents ? Not work so much ?
Again, take a moment.
Think about your passions. Think
about those dreams you once had or still have. What could you do with these ? Where might you use them ? How could this help your stress level ?
I know I will be taking some time, for myself, and thinking about this same topic. Not that I want to change my career at all ! But how I can use some of my spare time or making the "choice" to make more spare time for talents and dreams !
I know I will be taking some time, for myself, and thinking about this same topic. Not that I want to change my career at all ! But how I can use some of my spare time or making the "choice" to make more spare time for talents and dreams !
Friday, April 26, 2013
You may know me, but you have no idea who I am !
Writing before Wednesday this week, because I saw this picture and it made me think of a topic, true to my own heart !
Why is it, that some of the closest people to you, do not
really know you (yet often think they do) ?
I’m talking spouse/partner, family, relatives, friends, co-workers, your
The short of it …
Many folks around us, are only interested in
themselves ! What they have to say. What’s going on in their lives.
Only hear what they want to hear ! Choose to judge, rather than
Often never ask you about you; or actually
listen to your answer !
They’re so busy, they can hardly handle their
own lives/traumas.
In their mind, think they know you !
Maybe select folks are listening too much to
what others say about you (who also think they know you)
Or maybe, you do not share you (your thoughts
and feelings)
Truly consider … If you hear your children, spouse/partner,
your boss, or even a friend say, “You don’t get me”, or “you don’t listen to me” ... Understand, that’s how they “feel”, whether
you think it’s true or not. How a person feels or preceives is how it is to them ! And if this person is important to you, this is valuable info !
If you do not choose to STOP and take the time to listen, embrace
the feelings, feel how they feel, give that person a chance, the situation will
most definitely not change ! Only change you have, is in seeing it and feel it
the way they do. Compassion is important
in any relationship.
Either learn a new approach … Whether it be calmer ! More direct !
If you can not approach them in person, consider writing a
letter. Possibly allow a non-biased
person to read before sending.
Or just maybe, it’s time for new friends ! And consider spending less time with these
folks who are bringing you down ! If it’s
a spouse/partner, you can learn to add new appropriate activities to your
life. If it’s a boss, you can learn to
just do your job correctly, and not provide more.
Cause it’s actually possible, there will be no change on the other
person !
But remember, I’m not suggesting you develop an attitude
! You need to approach this with the
idea of being happy ! Happy with choices
! Not anger, bitter, or grudges ! Just focusing more on you, and not, how you
feel about them !
So get active and find new things to do !
In reality, only you can change ! You can’t change others, no matter how much
you say or how upset you get ! So change
Take the time and learn how you can
relate to this person; get to know them better; what makes them tick !
Or ... Especially if you learn, it's just "all about them" ...
Find new friends; get active; get happy
with yourself and new surroundings !
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